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NRI Woes When Searching for The Perfect Indian Partner

NRI Woes When Searching for The Perfect Indian Partner

Wedding Tips

Why Is It Hard for An NRI To Get an Indian Partner?

Non-residents of India find it quite difficult to marry someone from the Indian community. It is because of multiple reasons including cultural contrast, different backgrounds, upbringing, living style and most of all, the distance. It gets complex for two people with different, or to be precise, opposite cultural backgrounds. Indians have an inseparable touch in almost everything from their traditions, history, genetic influence on their faith and beliefs. They are very closed in their circle, and at times, it becomes unmanageable to gel well with the other cultures. To illustrate, Indians have a versatile culture and traditional rituals which categorize them into different castes, gotras, regions and they prefer marriage within their community. They believe in not marrying outside their religion and caste to continue making pure blooded generations without any mix-up.